$ocial Climb€r

It's your first day at this company, but you already know you want to aim high. Meet the goals set for you and become a big shot.

The workday is divided into two phases, the first at the computer. As a manager, you need to choose which four stocks to invest in. The company is looking for bold investments, but not too risky. Make sure to balance your choices carefully to avoid penalties, and evaluate the three parameters: the likelihood of success, the profit in case of success, and the loss if things go wrong.

Once you've chosen the stocks, you'll see the corresponding briefcases on the screen. Move, enlarge, or shrink the briefcases (by dragging the corners with the mouse) to decide how much capital to allocate to each stock. Have you placed all the briefcases? Press start and enter the office!

In the office, your job is to oversee your employees. If they work hard, there will be extra income beyond the investments. Click on the employees with the mouse to motivate them to work, but be careful: when an employee is visibly stressed, it's better to let them catch their breath for a few seconds.

If you push employees too hard for too long, they will leave the office and take a day off.

At the end of the day, you'll receive a report on your investments, the extra income generated by your employees, and how close you are to reaching your goal. Additionally, you can consult the company bulletin for news on the upcoming day and any unexpected events.

Good luck!


- Art and code: Eager Badger

- Cover art: Emma Ciuffo

- Music: Ling Chen

- SFX: Pixabay


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Cute concept! I think I'm too nice of a boss though, I didn't want to start looking at them closely. I was a bit confused of how the stretching of briefcases worked and which one was which and how much was allocated, but I got a hang of it. Good music nice cute art and good sound effects!

You should be proud.

Thanks for the feedback and the nice words!